Houston Rockets Daily Rocket Science – Blowing Leads, Breaking Ankles & CHUCK’s BACK


It’s the only word that can sum up the feelings for Houston Rockets fans this weekend, especially after yesterday’s loss to the Miami Heat where Houston blew a 21 point lead for a final score of 109-89.

It’s easy to overreact three games into a 82 game season, but when you’ve been outscored by a combined 60 points in those losses it seems a bit more justifiable to panic. With the depth on this roster and last year’s success rolling in, dropping three straight in this fashion just seemed unfathomable a week ago.

The lackluster start to the season has dominated the headlines for Houston, and no amount of transaction news or Yugoslavian ankle-breaking could make any of it seem better.

Houston Rockets News and Notes From Around the Web

This is an interesting take on what’s been wrong with the Houston defense, and although this was written before the Heat loss it still makes some good points. I thought the best point made was trying to adjust the pace on defense, but that was just one of many problems pointed out on the Rocket D.

How the Rockets should change their defense to kickstart their season [The Dream Shake – Danny Emerman]

"“Defensively, there are a couple different ways to dictate the pace. You can slow a team down so they have less time on the shot clock to set up an organized offense. Or you can speed a team up, forcing them to make mistakes while rushing with the ball. The Rockets did neither of these things against the Nuggets and Warriors.”"

Heeeeeee’s back! After a reported deal falling through this off season, fan favorite Chuck Hayes is back. With Jones, Montiejunas and Harrell already listed in the PF spot, is it possible Hayes is being brought on in a player-coach sort of roll? Here’s one take on Haye’s return:

This time it’s happening for real: Houston Rockets add Chuck Hayes [House of Houston – Yoni Pollak]

"“Bringing back Hayes could mean the injury to Jones is worse than we feared. It could also mean the Rockets are worried that Motiejunas may be out a bit longer as well. We’ll see what develops over the next few days and weeks.”"

Beat Writer and purveyor of all things Houston Rockets, Jonathan Feigen updated on the situation with all the Houston Rockets’ rookie contracts including third year Capela:

Rockets pick up option on Clint Capela, still waiting on Terrence Jones and Donatas Motiejunas [Ultimate Rockets – Jonathan Feigen]

"“It was reported earlier this week the options on Jones and Montiejunas’ contracts hadn’t been picked up yet, but the good news here is the Rockets have pulled the trigger on picking up the third year on rookie contract. The 21 year-old Sweed is immensely talented and plays a vital role filling in for when he’s hurt/being rested/suspended/etc.” Capela’s Dwight Howard"

Just a quick blurb on how to shake up the lineup for some more desired success, possibly by giving Montrezl Harrell more minutes?

Moving Jones to the bench [Red 94 – Rahut Huq]

"“Jones historically, or at least last year, has fared better coming off the bench, seemingly playing with more energy.”"

Saving the best one for last, start your morning by watching Patrick Beverly drop Goran Dragic on a sick crossover and following it up by dropping the hammer on the rim.

Patrick Beverley Sends Goran Dragic’s Ankles to the Morgue [by Jordan Zirm and many twitter fans as per Shea Serrano below]

i would give my life for patrick beverley https://t.co/Oo0HOdN6ea

— Shea Serrano (@SheaSerrano) November 2, 2015

Next: 5 Things Rockets Must Do To Win

That’s your Daily Rockets Science countdown for Monday, November 2, 2015. Drop by every day as I bring you the best of what’s being written, shown and said about our Rockets. As per the link above  “5 Things Rockets Must Do To Win” be sure to stay connected with Space City Scoop as we cover all things Houston Rockets.

Have a good Monday y’all.
