During a Q&A with fans, Houston Rockets guard Austin Rivers gave his thoughts on people that are going out unnecessarily during the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s been over two months since the NBA led the charge in the sports world shutting down, and it’s safe to say that people are getting restless. With economies suffering across the globe, the state of Texas has been one of the first ones to begin re-opening several different businesses, and Houston Rockets guard Austin Rivers has taken notice of some that might be taking a little too much advantage.
Effective May 18th, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that businesses like gyms, child care centers and youth clubs would be re-opening on a limited capacity while following certain safety guidelines. Following that within the next two weeks would be bars, bowling alleys, zoos and professional sports such as football and basketball.
While many have remained cautious of a potential second wave and are remaining at home as much as possible, some are back to normal their lives, which includes partying in large groups. Austin Rivers has taken notice, which he spoke about on an extended Q & A with on his Instagram Live recently.
“I went and picked up my car from getting serviced two days ago,” began Rivers. “It’s next to this popular hotel here. They had a whole pool party set up. I know people are bored but just ’cause you’re bored, that’s not a good enough reason to be out of the house right now, I’m sorry.”
Austin on big groups partying:
"Just 'cause you're bored — that's not a good enough reason to be out of the house right now." pic.twitter.com/1XNUEehOI8
— Space City Scoop (@SpaceCity_Scoop) May 26, 2020
While the entire country was on a stricter lockdown for the first few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, many states have been loosening regulations, and the return of professional sports is looking more and more likely. The NBA is tentatively working out a plan to return in July at Disney World Orlando, which would finally see Rivers and the Rockets back in action.
Organized sports, however, have the benefit of having the means to be able to enforce strict safety regulations while smaller businesses don’t. Rivers continued expressing his opinion on people that aren’t being cautious enough the following day on his Instagram story:
“You do realize just because you’re bored doesn’t mean you get the right to stop social distancing,” said his post. “People getting way too comfortable right now. Partying etc…like, are y’all serious??? Are we trying to get rid of this [expletive] or not???”
For more information on the coronavirus and safety measures, please visit the official CDC website or WHO.