X Has a field day with newly mustached Reed Sheppard at Rockets camp

Serious analysis ahead
Houston Rockets' Reed Sheppard has a new look
Houston Rockets' Reed Sheppard has a new look | Monica Schipper/GettyImages

Houston Rockets fans are serious about their team. Sometimes, they might be too serious.

We love the passion. We're sure the Rockets do too. Still, we all need levity in our lives. We love the Rockets too, but in the end, our happiness is contingent on other factors as well.

Factors like, for example, Reed Sheppard's new mustache. It makes us happy. It seems like it makes Rockets X happy as well.

Rockets fans celebrate a mustached hero

Does the mustache have superpowers? Will Sheppard be able to channel the machismo of the late, great Burt Reynolds? Or, could he manifest the abilities of an NBA legend?

That's Tari Eason's mom getting in on the fun by the way. The reach of Sheppard's glorious lip foliage is limitless. It knows no limit.

Here's hoping the Maravich comparisons have some accuracy. Their games aren't identical - as of now. If Sheppard can leverage his new look to conjure some of "Pistol" Pete's pizazz, we'll be thrilled.

A fine comparison. Here's hoping Sheppard is The Punisher incarnate. The Rockets had better be getting Season One Shane Walsh. In Season Two, he was a bit of a jerk.

In some respects, the NBA is a lot like the Walking Dead. The Rockets will be surrounded by hungry monsters. Only, they won't be hungry for their flesh - they'll be hungry to defeat them.

Will Sheppard lead the Rockets out of the apocalyptic landscape that was formed from years of tanking?

Rockets more interested in Sheppard's game

Perhaps we should be concerned. Sheppard shot 52.5% from college with a bare lip. Why is he changing his routine?

What if his mustache itches? Will Sheppard alter his shooting form? Should we ring the alarm?

We're joking, of course. Sheppard looked sharp (on and off the court) at this recent Rockets run. He's free to experiment with his look, so long as he doesn't experiment with his shooting form.

In that event, it would be time to get serious.
