3 Creative ways Tilman and Rockets have given back amid the pandemic

Houston Rockets James Harden Tilman Fertitta Russell Westbrook (Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images)
Houston Rockets James Harden Tilman Fertitta Russell Westbrook (Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images) /

From top to bottom, the Houston Rockets have been helping people affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Here are three ways they’ve been making a difference.

This year has been unlike anything anyone has seen in centuries. The coronavirus has not only affected the Houston Rockets and the entire NBA landscape, but it’s also taken over the world as we know it due to its devastating effects.

It’s become clear that things won’t be getting back to normal anytime soon, which will impact millions of people. As a result, several within the Rockets organization have stepped up in the past few weeks to help out in various creative ways.

Medical workers and emergency staff have always been heroes in the community, and their sacrifices have never been more important than they are now. Earlier this week, Rockets Owner Tilman Fertitta showed his appreciation for them by organizing a Taco Tuesday for the Houston Emergency Center.

The Houston Rockets and the @TilmanJFertitta Family are pleased to provide a #TacoTuesday lunch from Cadillac Bar and @TacoMeCrazyTX to show appreciation at the Houston Emergency Center. #ActsOfCaring | #NBATogether pic.twitter.com/wpim03NjEk

— Houston Rockets (@HoustonRockets) April 21, 2020

It was just one stop in many for Fertitta’s food truck, which also fed volunteers at the Houston Food Bank earlier this month.

It’s nice to see Tilman and others in the Rockets staff focus on others that are trying to help during this pandemic, as they are often overlooked in favor of helping those in need.

Russell Westbrook has long been one of the most charitable players in the NBA, which we’ve had the privilege to cover multiple times during his short tenure with the Rockets.

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Amid the pandemic, Westbrook has upped his charitable efforts even more, first helping his hometown with a donation to the Mayor’s Fund in Los Angeles.

Join me in helping Angelenos in need by donating to https://t.co/ctyZmewWnJ We’re all in this together. #LALove #nbatogether #actsofcaring pic.twitter.com/NAVeWByWvQ

— Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) March 24, 2020

As for what he’s been doing in his new hometown, Westbrook recently donated 650 laptops to Houston students needing to take online classes that might not have access to the required technology.

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Russell has always shown a passion for helping the youths in America, and helping them get proper education is one of the most important parts of making sure they have the future they deserve.

James Harden has also joined in on COVID-19 relief efforts, recently teaming up with Kroger grocery stores to provide one weeks’ worth of groceries to 600 families every week for eight straight weeks.

Stretching from mid-April through June 4, the weekly food distributions will make sure those in need are fed as we all continue to deal with the repercussions of the coronavirus.

Much like Westbrook, Harden has also shown a heavy interest in helping to provide educational opportunities that some kids may not have access to on their own.

His charity foundation, 3TheHardenWay, has been giving back to the community for years, with helping youth being its primary focus.

The Rockets have a huge influence in the community, and it’s admirable to see them using their platform to help out in so many different ways.

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The direct link to donate to James Harden’s charity can be found here. You can donate to Russell Westbrook’s charity, the WhyNotFoundation, directly from this link. Tilman Fertitta’s newly-established employee relief fund can also be donated to here.