Rockets tanking has the brightest future
If the Rockets tank this year, they would be able to get draft assets, players, and come back as a stronger team as early as next season. By trying to compete and make it to the playoffs this year, the team will lose out on a lot of those things and would probably be stuck near the bottom of the playoff picture for years to come.
As a Rockets fan, it’s hard to watch this team try to compete and repeatedly fail this year, but if the result is a quicker return to contender status, then it will be a worthy tradeoff. After seeing the Rockets be contenders for so long, this month has been very depressing for fans.
That has made the current losing streak even tougher to watch but it doesn’t mean the team is awful. There are plenty of quality players on the team that can be a part of the Rockets core for the new age that is coming.
If GM Rafael Stone and the Rockets make the right moves, the team can end up in a situation somewhat like the Golden State Warriors this past season. A star to build around, a top draft pick, and flexibility to return as contenders sooner rather than later.
The Rockets still have a long way to go and a lot can change in the second half of the season. As things stand right now, for the rest of this season and for the immediate and long-term future, it is going to be best to embrace a year of the Rockets tanking to improve the odds of a championship in the future.